Monday 24 September 2012

Fire (Blog #10-24/9/12)

   In the words of Will from The Inbetweeners "Fire is an element and must be respected". All things considered, fire is actually still pretty cool to look at. There's loads of really great photos out there of it, in all different colours.
   Personally I think it looks coolest when the photo is edited to be purple, so I'll try and find a purple fire photo to put at the bottom of the article. (As any loyal Decimal Juice reader will know)
   REMEMBER: Don't play with fire, it's more dangerous than you think (if you're silly).


(Puprle Fire- The Coolest.)

Sunday 23 September 2012

FIFA 13 (Blog #9-23/9/12)

   FIFA 13 comes out on the Friday. If you're a big football fan, like I am, you'll be in a frenzy in the run-up to the latest installment in the popular EA sports series.
   FIFA 12 was a massive disappointment- but then again I didn't know what to expect considering how bad FIFA 11 was. One good thing is that we don't have to look at Wayne Rooney's ugly mug on the front cover this year. Lionel Messi is joined on the front by Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Joe Hart.


(FIFA 13's front cover)

The X Factor (Blog #8-22/9/12)

   Let's be honest. The X Factor's days are over. Simon Cowell has milked as much money as is humanly possible from The X Factor. The format is old, all the singers that were ever mildly good have been and gone, very few winners actually make it very big anyway.
   Steve Brookstein. Does that name ring any bells? I didn't think so. Steve was the first winner of the X Factor back in 2004. I don't remember his name being mentioned AT ALL since he won this farce of a show.
   The show was only ever interesting when Simon Cowell was being rude to the contestants. Now that he's not on it- what's the point of watching it? Answer: There is none.


(Steve Brookstein on The X Factor)

Friday 21 September 2012

Nick Clegg (Blog #7-21/9/12)

   Yesterday deputy PM Nick Clegg had to say sorry for the Lib Dem's failure to deliver on their promise about not raising university tuition fees.
   This apology inspired a mock autotune video, making fun of his speech. This was hilariously executed and you must see it if you haven't already. Type 'Nick Clegg sorry song' into YouTube. NOW!


(Nick says sorry.)

Gangnam Style (Blog #6-20/9/12)

(Sorry this blog is a day late- I forgot yesterday)

   Dance track 'Gangnam Style' from South Korean artist Psy has swept the world. It's number 1 in many different countries and is still #1 on the youtube 100, having surpassed 230,000,000 views.
   It'll probably soon be the most famous song ever to come out of South Korea very soon (if it isn't already!). It's not only swept the rest of the world, but they love it in South Korea too! Two professional Korean footballers celebrated by mimicing Psy's dance in the video.
   Anyhow, It is a classic and is currently ubiquitous. Long may it last!


(The best bit in the video, skip to 1.55 to watch it)

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Lions (Blog #5-19/9/12)

   Lions. The King of the jungle. They are wild, ferocious beasts who will rip a gazelle apart in seconds- so don't mess with it.
   You see cuddly Lions everywhere these days, and on jumpers, T-shirts, statues etc. But why do people love this cold-blooded killer so much?
   The answer is simple: Because they are just AWESOME.
   They are so famous that they even have a Disney film about them. That's when you know you've made it- when Disney get involved- the crafty beggars!


(A bad-ass lion who doesn't take no for an answer.)

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Doughnuts (Blog #4-18/9/12)

   Yes. That's right. Doughnuts. Not "Donuts"- but Doughnuts. Doughnuts are some of the world's yummiest treats. The best being a good ol' raspberry jam doughnut, covered in sugar.
   I mean, yes, technically it will attract ants into your cupboard, which is why I reccomend you to eat them up as soon as you get them! Waste no time! It's a dog eat eat world! (Or in this case, it's a human eat doughnut before the ant can world).
   Do you hear me? What are you doing wasting time reading this blog? Go! GO and eat those doughnuts!


(A classic Jam Doughnut)

Monday 17 September 2012

Television (Blog #3-17/9/12)

   We all love a cheeky bit of TV in the evenings. But it is being ruined by shows such as 'The Only Way Is Essex", "Made In Chelsea" and "Bargain Hunt".
   If you ever find yourself festering in front of one of these shows- my instructions to you are clear: 1.Turn it off. 2.Get up. 3.Get on with your life. 4.Never think about them again.
   Of course there is an alternative (If you can't bare to tear your eyes away from your precious TV). The alternative is a programme called Man.vs.Food. If you are a fan of this, I salute you. You are a god amongst mere mortals. If you watch this, you will be guaranteed fame, fortune, wealth, all of those things. (Also if you read this blog on a regular basis).
   I know what you're thinking- "This bloke is by far the oddest blogger I have ever seen, yet I greatly admire him and aspire to be exactly like him". Well, you'd be correct, and I thank you for your admiration.


(Host Adam Richman squares up to a massive Pizza)

Sunday 16 September 2012

Monopoly (Blog #2-16/9/12)

   If you haven't played Monopoly- you have spent your life wisely. It is very time-consuming, even though it is not a game that you play on a regular basis.
   If you're looking to play Monopoly anytime soon- BUY THE ORANGE AND PINK SECTIONS. Time and time again Monopoly has been won in our family from people buying these two sets. STOP AT NOTHING TO GET THESE SETS, BULLDOZE ANYTHING OR ANYONE THAT STANDS IN THE WAY. NO EXCEPTIONS.
   Also, I reccomend being the ship. Not because it has any particular advantage, but because it is the coolest piece.

(Above: The Monopoly Man)

Saturday 15 September 2012

Decimal Juice Welcomes You! (Blog #1-15/9/12)

Hello friend!

   If you are reading this, you are without a doubt one of God's favourite creations. You, my friend are one of the chosen ones. I congratulate you. This blog is for the elite amongst us. Each day brings a new article, and a new random topic.
   I know what you are thinking. You are thinking "Wow, this man is a wise man and should be held amongst the very highest members of society. But what oh what is his name about?"
   Well my friends, as you will have already gathered (unless you have not been properly paying attention, in which event, shame on you) each blog will be about something random and new than the day before it. Therefore I thought it fitting to make the name in keeping with the theme. When it comes to thinking of random words, how different can you get than decimal and juice?
   No more different. That is the answer.

Welcome again to Decimal Juice. Spread the word, and the rewards will come (eventually).

From DJ (Decimal Juice for those silly enough to wander!)

(A random image.)